Smiling woman with long brown hair in an office sits in front of her laptop.


Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions? Then don’t hesitate to contact us. Our staff will be happy to help you.

Contact us

Lächelnder Mann mit Anzug und Krawatte vor dunklem Hintergrund
Marius Haller
Managing Director
+ 49 (0)2232 1898-15 E-Mail
Roland Ippen
Order processing management
+49 (0)2232 1898-9148 E-Mail
Andreas Haepp
Head of Wagon Maintenance
+49 (0)2232 1898-9165 E-Mail
Youssef Jemili
Head of Wagon Service
+49 (0)2232 1898-9154 E-Mail
Lars Fischer
Spare parts and material sales
+49 (0)2232 1898-30 E-Mail

+49 2232 1898-0

Track address:
Railroad station: Brühl-Ost
Service centre code: 80 480 038

Waggonwerk Brühl GmbH
Brühler Straße 330
50389 Wesseling


From the northwest, A 57:

Exit junction Köln-Nord; A 1 direction Koblenz, exit junction Bliesheim; A 553 direction Brühl; exit Brühl-Ost; turn right direction Wesseling; turn left at the beginning of the town Wesseling-Berzdorf.

From the west, A 4:

Exit intersection Köln-West; A 1 direction Koblenz, exit intersection Bliesheim; A 553 direction Brühl; exit Brühl-Ost; right direction Wesseling; beginning of town Wesseling-Berzdorf left.

From the south, A 61:

Exit intersection Bliesheim; A 553 direction Brühl; exit Brühl-Ost; turn right direction Wesseling; turn left at the beginning of the village Wesseling-Berzdorf.

From the north and southeast, A 3:

Exit junction Heumar; A 4 direction Aachen, exit junction Köln-Süd; A 555 direction Bonn; exit Köln-Godorf (No.4) direction Euskirchen; slip road to A 553 Euskirchen; exit Brühl-Ost; turn left direction Wesseling; turn left at the beginning of Wesseling-Berzdorf.